If you own or manage a restaurant, the last thing you want to do is shut down your business because your store is flooded. A clog in a drain line can not only cause down time for your restaurant, but also safety issues for employees and potential repercussions from the board of health. There are a number of reasons why commercial kitchen drains continue to back up. It’s essential that you understand how it can happen and implement best practices to prevent clogs from happening.
Why Commercial Kitchen Drains Clog
Fats, oils, and grease can quickly build up in drains. As these substances cool, they begin to harden and stick to the drain pipes. This can lead to major sanitation problems as the end result is clogged pipes or even an entirely clogged septic system. Food scraps can also be a culprit of clogged drain lines. A good way to prevent this is to place a strainer in your sinks and to train employees to clean plates with leftovers into the trash, not down the drain.
Most commercial kitchens have a grease trap in their kitchen to catch fats, oils and grease before they enter the drain lines. Keep in mind that while a commercial grade grease trap is effective, it will be ineffective if the drains aren’t professionally maintained. A grease trap cleaning servicewill determine how often a cleaning is needed by calculating the daily use of the grease trap.
Toilets and drains in restaurants can also become clogged from neglected septic systems. All of the wastewater from a restaurants flows into the septic tank, and it should be pumped by a professional on a regular basis to prevent backups and major, costly repairs to the system.
Professional Drain Cleaning and Septic Pumping
Today, professional companies use tiny video cameras to diagnose grease problems in the system lines. This helps determine where there is a root issue, break or crack in the line. Depending on the clog, our trained professionals utilize different equipment. Snaking or water jetting may be used to break through the clog and pull out any debris.
We also offer preventative maintenance plans to avoid breakages, overflows, clogs and backups. Customers can choose a plan that best meets their needs, including jetting the lines once a quarter, pumping the non-hazardous waste systems and complete inspections. Preventative maintenance is the best defense against clogged lines and septic tank problems!